Dates and Locations

Besides Computer Testing locations, we also have many official paper test centres throughout Switzerland in Bern, Crans Montana, Geneva, Lausanne, Leysin, Montreux, Passugg, Rotkreuz, St.Gallen, Ticino, Zuoz, Zürich.

Are you a school/institution looking for PB test dates close to you that are not on the list below? Here are the official test dates in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Contact us to arrange testing date(s) to suit your needs.

  • Fee for Academic and General Training: CHF 425.00 (Paper-based and Computer-delivered Tests)

  • Fee for UKVI IELTS:  CHF442.00

Select the location, test type, format and test-category (IELTS or UKVI IELTS) and then book your test.

Note: If you have special requirements for the test and the appropriate supporting documentation, then please follow this link and read before registering.